Take your savings to new heights with Sky High Savings, featuring high rate tax free savings account (TFSA), registered retirement savings plan (RRSP), and guaranteed investment certificate (GIC) products designed to help you build a secure financial future. With sky high interest rates, these investment options allow your money to soar, providing tax advantaged growth and the peace of mind that comes with guaranteed returns. Whether you're planning for retirement, saving for a major goal, or looking to maximize your tax benefits, these products offer the perfect blend of security and growth potential. Don’t miss the chance to elevate your savings strategy—secure your future today with a Sky High Savings product!
Choose from several account and product options, designed to help you save and reach your goals.
From January 1 to April 30, 2025.*
Sky High TFSA’s & RRSP’s
Enjoy the tax benefits of a Sky High TFSA or RRSP, while earning the most on your deposits. From now until April 30th, enjoy a high base interest rate, plus a bonus rate.
Enjoy a base high interest rate of 1.25%, plus a bonus rate of 3.75% until April 30, 2024.
Apply online or book an appointment.
Sky High GIC's
Looking to save for a longer term goal? Invest in a Sky High GIC and watch your wealth grow in 15 months. Need earlier access to your money? You can redeem up to 20% of the original balance after the first 90 days.
Enjoy 3.50% on your deposit.

100% Deposit Guarantee
Your deposits are 100% guaranteed by the Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation.*
Frequently Asked Questions
The Sky High TFSA is a high interest savings account that can help to maximize your savings. A Sky High TFSA is perfect for earning interest on your savings without locking them into an investment, allowing greater flexibility. Interest earned on a TFSA is tax free, so you can enjoy your hard saved money.
The Sky High RRSP is a high interest savings account that can help to maximize your retirement savings. A Sky High RRSP allows you to earn interest on contributions to the account, which are also tax deductible.
A Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) or term deposit is a low risk investment that guarantees the return of your initial investment; you will earn a guaranteed rate of return for the term of your investment. The Sky High GIC offers a special high interest rate on your deposits, so you can make the most of this secure investment.
For Sky High TFSAs and RRSPs, there is no minimum - start investing at your own pace!
For the Sky High GIC, a minimum deposit of $500 applies.
Identifying your savings goals will help you choose the product that’s best for you.
The Sky High TFSA can help you save for a variety of goals and earns interest tax free, while the Sky High RRSP allows you to defer taxes on your deposits. If you don’t need immediate access to your funds, a Sky High GIC may suit your investment needs.
Still not sure? Book an appointment with one of our advisors to discuss your options!
Watch your money soar!
Sky High TFSA
1. The Promotional Rate of 5.00% is a combination of a Regular Interest Rate paid on Eligible Deposits (1.25%), plus Bonus Interest (“Bonus Interest”) paid on all Eligible Deposits during the Promotional Period.
2. The Promotional Rate of 5.00% interest will be paid on all Eligible Deposits from date of deposit until April 30, 2025. This promotional offer ends on April 30, 2025 at 11:59 pm.
3. Only Eligible Deposits will qualify for the promotional rate. Eligible Deposits must be Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSA’s).
4. Interest is calculated daily at the current rate on each day’s full closing balance and paid monthly.
5. Not available for non-registered funds, Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP’s) or Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIF’s).
6. The account is open to make additional deposits at any time.
7. 1st Choice Savings and Credit Union reserves the right, in its sole discretion to terminate this promotion, in whole or in part, or modify, amend or suspend the promotion in any manner whatsoever.
8. All deposits are 100% guaranteed by the Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation. For more information on the Alberta Credit Union Deposit Guarantee or visit https://www.cudgc.ab.ca.
Sky High RRSP
1. The Promotional Rate of 5.00% is a combination of a Regular Interest Rate paid on Eligible Deposits (1.25%), plus Bonus Interest (“Bonus Interest”) paid on all Eligible Deposits during the Promotional Period.
2. The Promotional Rate of 5.00% interest will be paid on all Eligible Deposits from date of deposit until April 30, 2025. This promotional offer ends on April 30, 2025 at 11:59 pm.
3. Only Eligible Deposits will qualify for the promotional rate. Eligible Deposits must be Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP’s).
4. Interest is calculated daily at the current rate on each day’s full closing balance and paid monthly.
5. Not available for non-registered funds, Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSA’s) or Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIF’s).
6. The account is open to make additional deposits at any time.
7. 1st Choice Savings and Credit Union reserves the right, in its sole discretion to terminate this promotion, in whole or in part, or modify, amend or suspend the promotion in any manner whatsoever.
8. All deposits are 100% guaranteed by the Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation. For more information on the Alberta Credit Union Deposit Guarantee or visit https://www.cudgc.ab.ca.