Looking for a better way to manage your credit card debt, but find yourself getting hit with high interest payments every month? Taking a break from interest rates could give you the room you need to get back on track with your financial goals.
Pay 0% on interest for the first 9 months* when you transfer your existing credit card balances to a 1st Choice Savings credit card for a low, one-time transfer fee of 2%.* A balance transfer can offer several benefits:
Save on interest: Take advantage of the 0% balance transfer rate* on your credit union credit card, allowing you to reduce the overall amount that you pay in interest.
Debt consolidation: If you have multiple credit card debts, you can consolidate them into one, making it easier to manage your payments.
Pay off debt faster: With a 0% interest rate*, more of your payment goes to reducing the principal amount, helping you pay off your outstanding debt much faster.
From January 1 - December 31, 2024.*