
Home Maintenance Checklist

Author: 1st Choice Savings and Credit Union | Published: January 27, 2023

A home is likely to be the greatest investment of a person’s life, making the ongoing upkeep and maintenance of your home essential. It can be hard to keep track of your home maintenance to-do list each season, so we created a checklist to help you remember seasonal tasks that will help keep your home at its best.

In Alberta, our homes have to endure a lot of weather extremes throughout the year, and there are some specific maintenance considerations to keep in mind – from harsh winters to hot summers. Winter can leave Alberta homeowners with extra repairs in the spring, as the winter storms and chinooks can damage the exterior and foundations of homes and can take a toll on the greenery and landscaping around your property. This makes spring a busy season to inspect and repair your home, and fall is a good time to prepare for the effects of winter.

There are also some home maintenance tasks that can be spread out across all four seasons, making the workload more manageable. Summers are a great time to tackle projects that will improve your home’s curb appeal, and winter is the perfect time to maintain your home’s interior by focusing on renovation projects. The checklist below is a great tool to help you decide which tasks to include in your annual home maintenance so you can create a seasonal plan. The checklist also includes maintenance tasks that should be completed multiple times a year.

Each home is different, and depending on size, location, and who lives in the home, there may be different maintenance needs. Remember to consult the owner's manual when cleaning any appliances, or consult a professional who can perform an inspection if you are uncertain.

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