
Deposits 100% Guaranteed

Your deposits are 100% guaranteed by the Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation. This means both the money you put in and the interest earned is safe and secure - up to any dollar amount!

All deposit amounts are 100% guaranteed and include accrued interest to the date of payout. Deposit amounts include chequing and savings accounts, RRSP deposits, RRIF deposits, TFSA deposits, foreign currency deposits, and term deposits, including those with terms exceeding five years. The deposit guarantee does not cover non-deposit investments, examples of which include common shares, investment shares, mutual funds, and self-administered RRSPs that are not deposits.

For more information on the Alberta Credit Union Deposit Guarantee, call toll-free at 1-800-661-0351.



The Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation guarantees the repayment of all deposits with Alberta credit unions, including accrued interest to the date of payout.

This guarantee is more extensive than the banks’ insurance. All deposit amounts are fully guaranteed and include accrued interest to the date of payout. Deposit amounts include chequing and savings accounts, RRSP deposits,
RRIF deposits, TFSA deposits, foreign currency deposits, and term deposits, including those with terms exceeding five years.

The Credit Union Act provides that the Government of Alberta will ensure that the Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation’s obligation to depositors is carried out.

Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation is a Provincial corporation established under the Alberta Credit Union Act. A Board of Directors appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council of Alberta administers the Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation.

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